It is easy to waste time on your phone, but the right smartphone apps can actually enhance your productivity. This 538-word article takes a look at some great apps that can boost your productivity and help you get more done.

Whether you are trying to manage your debt, saving up for a big purchase, or just trying to get a better picture of your financial situation, there area number of iPhone apps available to suit your specific needs. Below are some of the most useful, convenient, and well-regarded apps for taking control of your budget.


One of the most popular and most talked-about budgeting apps, Mint provides the ability to link credit cards, bank accounts, and investment information in order to offer the most accurate and in-depth financial tracking possible. This versatility, along with the built-in budget creator, makes Mint an extremely useful and convenient budgeting tool.

Easy Envelope Budget Aid:

Though the app provides more bare-bones functionality than many of the other alternatives, Easy Envelope Budget Aid is a perfect tool for anyone who is wary of linking their accounts or potentially putting financial information at risk. This app allows you to create up to 20 virtual envelopes, each with a different category (groceries, entertainment, rent, etc.), and the app tracks your expenses by manually entering your spending. Though simple, Easy Envelope Budget Aid is an ideal entry-level budgeting tool.


Like Mint, Level offers a versatile, flexible, and no-frills budgeting tool that links up with your accounts in order to track expenses and provide an overall view of your spending habits. Level provides suggestions on daily spending and allows you to set aside a certain amount of your income for savings, as well.


The Receipts app uses your phone’s camera to photograph and store images of your receipts in the cloud, giving you instant access to your purchasing history while eliminating the need to store and manage physical scraps of paper. The app tracks the date, time, and location of your purchases and categorizes the expenses automatically.

Debt Manager:

The Debt Manager app is the perfect tool for anyone who is facing multiple sources of debt and doesn’t know where to begin. After providing the relevant information, the app shows you different financial scenarios based on how you prioritize your debt repayment and how much you choose to pay. The app also tracks your progress and shows you exactly how much money you will save on interest over time after settling on a payment plan.

You Need a Budget:

Though it requires the latest version of the desktop software in order to use, making it more expensive than the competition, You Need a Budget offers arguably the most functionality of any budgeting app. With the ability to budget for multiple accounts and to switch effortlessly between personal and business-related budgeting, You Need a Budget is ideal for any financial situation. You need a budget offers a wide array of convenient tracking and reporting tools, along with quality of life upgrades that make managing your money faster and simpler.

While there are countless iPhone apps available to help you manage your budget, the list above represents a few of the most trusted and effective options. By taking advantage of the convenience and functionality offered by these mobile apps, it is possible to stay accurate and up to date on your financial situation no matter where you are.