Do you find yourself procrastinating and not getting anything done? Increasing your productivity can be hard, but it can be done. Here are five apps that you can use to increase your productivity in no time.

Smart phones have become an essential part of our everyday life. Most people couldn’t imagine life without their phones in the hands. Information is easily accessible and no one can escape the hassle of work emails anytime. Smart phones can be a time sucker, but if you incorporate these apps in your daily life, you will increase your-productivity exponentially.


Trello is an electronic bulletin board that can be easily synced to all of your digital devices. You can create a variety of different things such as to do lists, notes, and tasks. This app enables you to add notes, pictures, or just about anything else you can imagine with the click of a button. Trello even lets you share lists with other users so that you can stay connected and updated. Trello is available on both Android and iPhone devices free of charge.

Last Pass

Have you ever gotten locked out of an important account because you forgot your password? Every profile and account requires you to have a complicated password that you are supposed to remember, but keeping track of all of that information is difficult. That is where Last Pass comes in. Last Pass stores all of your passwords in one safe location so that you never forget a password again. Last Pass is available on iPhone and Android devices.This app has both a free and a paid version depending on how many passwords you want to save.


We all waste time on small, simple tasks that could be taken care of by IFTTT. This app allows you to create recipes for those small time sucking tasks by using an”If this, then that” format. For example, you can get the latest weather report or the latest stock quotes. IFTTTis available on Android and iPhone device,


Have you ever tried to get work finished .d got sidetracked by Facebook, Twitter, or just randomly browsing the internet? Don’t worry, everyone has been there. That’s exactly why Freedom was created. This app allows you to disable certain applications such as social networks or even the Internet so that you can get your work done without any distractions. The Freedom app allows you to disable applications for a maximum of eight hours. Freedom is available on Android and iPhone devices for a small charge of ten dollars


Evernote is an amazing application that allows you to save documents .d pictures to your desktop, phone, and tablet. This app is perfect for people that are on the go because you can access all of your important things with just a click of a button. Evernote is available on Android and iPhone device, This app offers a free version that allows you to upload 60MB of data a month, and paid version that allow more flexibility.

The apps listed above can help you overcome procrastination and be more productive at work or at home. Instead of wasting your time, you can actually start getting the things that you need to do done without all of the distractions.