Modern smartphones and tablets are much more than gadgets — they are miniature computers, and that makes them subject to the same security threats as their larger counterparts. This article provides some essential tips you can use to protect your smartphone or tablet.

If you are the proud owner of a brand-new Smartphone or tablet, you want to get the device off to the best possible start. Implementing the right security measures should be a big part of that startup.

If you doubt the importance of security for your mobile device, just think about how much of your life you are carrying with you every day. From contact information and browsing history to financial data and banking information, your smart phone or tablet contains a wealth of information a thief could find extremely valuable. Taking a few minutes to secure it properly can save you a lot of grief later on.

#1 – Set Your Passcode

You should be thinking Lip a secure password before you even take the new tablet or smart phone out of the box Choose a passcode that is easy for you to remember but hard for-others to guess. Avoid common passcodes like birthdates and the names of children and pets. Those kinds of passwords are simply too easy to guess.

When you boot up your new tablet or turn on your smartphone, for the first time, setting the passcode should be the first thing you do. Without the passcode in place, anyone who finds the device can access all your data.

#2 – Encrypt the Device

Encrypting a computer used to be a cumbersome and time-consuming process, but modem smartphones and tablets are relatively easy to protect. Many models include detailed encryption information, and a plethora of apps make it easy to encrypt your data and keep it safe.

When the device is properly encrypted, it will be very difficult for a thief to access the data on the device. Without encryption, accessing your data could be as easy as plugging the device into a computer, even if the thief does not have your passcode.

#3 – Download an Anti-Virus App

You might not think your tablet or smart phone needs anti-virus protection but it does. These devices are actually small computers, and they need to be protected as such. If the device does not already include an anti-virus app, you need to download one as quickly as possible.

If you are unsure which one to use, check with the manufacturer of the device for recommendations. The manufacturer will have experience with all kinds of security apps, and they will be able to recommend one that works well with your specific device.

#4 — Download a Remote Wiping APP

If your tablet or smart phone is stolen, there is still a chance its data could be used against you. Even if you set a strong passcode and encrypted the data, an enterprising criminal may still be able to access the data.

You can provide one final level of protection by downloading and setting up an app you can use to lock the device remotely and wipe the data it contains. Wiping, out your data may be a last resort, but it is important to have the option.